Processus contra Waldenses. IE TCD MS 266

Autor: Unattributed
Jazyk: latina
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.48495/76537996g
Popis: [1] IE TCD MS 266, transcripts of a number of documents relating to the Waldensians, 'Processus contra Waldenses'. The description below is taken directly from James Henthorn Todd's 'Books of the Vaudois: The Waldensian Manuscripts Preserved in the Library of Trinity College Dublin', chapter No. IX, Processus contra Waldenses, pages 74-89 (London and Cambridge 1865): "A folio paper volume, containing a number of distinct documents, many of them original, bound together, and lettered on the back "Processus contra Waldenses." (Class C.Tab.1. No. 6.) The documents preserved in this volume are identical with those which are described by Morland as contained in the volumes which he has marked G. and H., and which were deposited by him in the Library of the University of Cambridge. It does not appear with certainty that the volume before us formed a part of Archbishop Ussher's collection: it was not mentioned in the catalogue of our MSS. printed in the "Catalogi librorum MStorum Angliæ et Hiberniæ" (Oxon. 1697), and some of the documents it contains were certainly at one time, since the publication of that catalogue, in another part of the library; they appear to have been found in a loose state, and to have been bound together in their present form when the books were moved to the present library, about a century ago. The following is a list of these documents: [DOCUMENT] I. "No. 1. Origo Waldensium et processus contra eosfacti," containing - 1. The document beginning, "Ut vobis Revermo, in xpo patri," &c. This occurs in Morland's volume G. No. 3, and has been printed by Allix in the Appendix to his" Remarks on the Ecclesiastical History of the Churches of Pied mont." See also Morland, p. 215. - 2. "Sequuntur examinationes factæ in materia hæresis sectæ Valdentium [sic] per Revmum, et Revdos. patres Laurentium Bureau Epum Siffarien., et Thomam Paschal, ac Rostagnum Archiepiscopum Ebredunen." &c. In the margin, in a more modern hand, there is written," In formacions prises par les commis du pape, L'Evesque de Sisteron et autres nommés par le Roy." This paper is dated 1501, and relates to the same events as the Narrative of the Archbishop of Ambrun, which stands first in the volume last described. It contains the Examinations of Fazion Gay, Francis Ruffus, Anthony Pau, Fazius Ripert, all of Frassinière; also of John Lagerij (who is described as "Dominus Johannes Lage rius Vicarius de Orseria in Camposauro"), Peter Ray mund, John Arnoux, Angelinus Paloni, John Barthelemy, Hugh Jacques, John Fabri, Pierre Jourdan, Hippolyte Blen, Jacques Pari, Thomette, wife of Fazius, Ripert, Marie, wife of William Bret, Jacques Bonnefoy, Hunet Julian de Valle, Thomas Granet de Valle, Anthonius Baridoni, de Castro Rodulpho, Johannes de Burgo, de Sancto Crispino, Claudius Hunbert, Honoratus de Burgo, de Sancto Crispino, Giraud Ruffi or de Roux, and Jacques Chambon. At the end is the attestation and signature of the notary Gobaud, with the following endorsement in a different hand : - "Numero 1 Examinatio facta per dmn. Siffarien. in Frassineria super eresia Valden. ;" and in a French hand, "Origine des Vaudois et les faicts du procureur d'Eglise contre eux. Information prise par Vincent Gobaud." This document occupies 28 pages. It is probably not an original, but has every appearance of being a contemporary copy. In the margin there are written, in French, short summaries of its contents. These are in the same French hand just spoken of. [2] [DOCUMENT] II. Another copy of the document No. V. of the volume last described [C.4.18 = IE TCD MS 264], except that the petition is here given in French. It occupies 5 pages, followed by 2 pages blank. It is endorsed on the back, "Registre presentée au grand conseil par ceux de Freissinière surles attemptats de l'Archevesque d'Ambrun faicts au pre judice de la litispendance avec l'Jntimacon auy Arche vesque et copie de la Lettre a luy Escrite par du Grand Conseil. Messieurs Anno Dom. 1483." [DOCUMENT] III. 2. Num. 1487. "Bulle et commission tres ample du Pape Innocent contres les Vaudois;" this title is in the French hand already mentioned, but the body of the document is in the same hand as No. I. It begins "Albertus de Capitaneis, juris utriusque Doctor, Archidiaconus Ecclesiæ Cremonensis et Blax ensis de Berra, ordinis prædicatorum, sacre Theologiæ professor, hæreticæ pravitatis Inquisitor," & c. It recites the Bull, "Innocentius Episcopus servus servorum Dei, dilecto filio Alberto de Capitaneis," & c. This bull is dated 1487. The original, with the seals, is in the Cambridge Library, No. 2, in Morland's volume G., and he has printed it in his History, book i., p. 196. See also Leger (ii. ch. 2). It is marked at the beginning, and also at the end, "Num. 2," and occupies 12 pages. [DOCUMENT] IV. A paper in the same handwriting as the last, endorsed on the last leaf, "Num. 3. 1483. Lettres de de saveu des poursuites contre leur persecuteurs. Copia pro testationis factæ per Castellanum Vallis Loysiæ, una cum omnibus habitatoribus dictæ vallis declarantes se esse bonos et fideles, orthodoxos, præceptis ecclesiæ obedi entes, et quod nullam intendunt prosequi causam in curia Christianissimi Francorum Regis. Universitatis vallis Loysia."... It begins, "Copia. In nomine Dni nri Jesu xği. Amen. Anno ejusdem nativitatis millesimo quatercen tesimo lxxxmo, tertio," & c. At the end is the notary's attestation, "Facta fuit collatio de hujusmodi copia cum proprio originali per me notarium publicum Paris." This document occupies four pages and a half. [DOCUMENT] V. "Processus factus et formatus in facto sanctæ fidei per Reymum, in xpo patrem et dominum Johannem, Dei et Apostolicæ sedis gratia Archiepûm et principem Ebredunen. contra Anthon. Blasii de Angrogina, Diocesis Taurinen. habitatorem Dalphini, Sissarien Diocs." At the top of the page is the word "Ihus;" and on the same line, left hand margin, the letter "C," right hand margin, "Ordina ?." Under the C, in the margin, is the word "Originalis," with the signature of the notary, "N. Paris." The date of this document is 1486, and the handwriting is the same as No. I. The signature of "N. Paris" occurs again at the end, but can scarcely be regarded as an autograph; neither has this document the appearance of being an original. It is evident that these papers were written at the same time and by the same scribe. This paper contains several examinations of Antonius Blasii, and occupies 19 pages. [DOCUMENT] VI. Marked "Num. 5," and in the French hand "Bulle pour absoudre le Vaudoys au legat;" beginning, Alexander Episcopus servus servorum Dei, dilecto filio Georgio tituli sancti Sixti, presbytero, Cardinali Rotho magen. &c. Cum nos hodie," &c. Dated, "Romæ apud Sanctum Petrum. Non. Aprilis." A. D. 1501. One leaf. This is No. 2, in Morland's vol. H. Cambridge Catal., ibid., p. 87. [DOCUMENT] VII. Another bull of the same pope; beginning, "Alexander Episcopus servus servorum Dei, Dilecto filio Georgio tituli Sancti sixti presbytero, & c. Ab eo qui humani generis," & c. Dated, "Romæ apud Sanctum Petrum. Nonis Aprilis." A. D. 1501. Two leaves. It is endorsed at the end, in the French hand, "Bulle d'Absolution en faveur des Usuriers." This is No. 3, in Morland's vol. H. [DOCUMENT] VIII. Headed in the French hand, "Autre bulle pour absoudre de tout crime et particulierement d'heresie;" beginning, "Alexander Episcopus, &c. Cum nos alias te," &c. Dated, "Romæ apud Sanctum Petrum. Non. Octobris." A. D. 1501. One leaf. This is No. 4, in Morland's vol. H. All these bulls are in the same handwriting as No. I. [DOCUMENT] IX. Examinations of several Vaudois, also in the same hand, and marked, "Num. 5." The first page is marked in the margin "1486," and contains the evidence of Peter Vole. On the next page, "Examinatio Anthonii Blasii de valle Angrogniæ Diocs Thaurinen." In the margin, "Est alibi." On the next page, "Repetitio dicti Anthonii Blasii," and "Alia Examinatio." Also (p.5), "Contra Johannam uxorem diciti Anthonii Blasii." On the next page, "Repetitio dicti Anthonii Blasii." On p.8, "Dicta die et hora" [viz. 22 July, 1486]," coram dictis Do. Ar. et Inquisitore in executione ordinationis prefatæ, fuit exhibitus torturæ," &c. Other examinations of the same prisoner follow, to Sept. 14, 1487, when he abjured his heresy in presence of witnesses. This is not the same as No. V., but it is in the same hand, and bears the signature of "N. Paris." There is a line drawn down every page of this document, as if it had been cancelled. [DOCUMENT] X. The examinations of "Audinus Crispini, alias Valoy, de Fraxineria, habitator Sancti Andreæ, diffama tus de secta Valden." On the top of the page is the word "Jesus," and in the margin "4°. f.," under which are the words "fregit carceres." The date of the first examination of this prisoner is the 11th of December, 1486; his second examination was on the 30th of January, 1487; and his last on the 15th of May, 1487. These examinations bear the signature (not autograph) of N. Paris, and are in the same hand as those just described. The prisoner at first appears to have denied that he was a Waldensian; but at last, being "leviter torturæ ligatus et modicum elevatus," he confessed his connexion with the sect; that he had been taught "quod non erat Purgatorium nisi in hoc mundo;" that his father, uncle, and mother were of the sect of the Waldenses, or Poor of Lyons; that he denied the spiritual powers of the pope, prelates, and clergy; disapproved of the invocation of the saints, kept no feasts or fasts of the Church, gave no honour to images, had no faith in holy water, & c. There seem to be some leaves wanting at the end of this paper. It occupies eight, of which the last is blank, and is endorsed in the same French hand as before - "Num. 6. Decres contre les Vaudoys. Audinus Crispinus alias Valoy. Jean Archevesque poursuivant." See Morland's vol. H., No. 1, Cambr. Catal. i., p. 85. [3] [DOCUMENT] XI. A single leaf, headed 1488, containing short notes of events in the history of the Vaudois. It is in French, and is exactly the same as No. III. of the volume last described [C.4.18 = IE TCD MS 264], except that this latter paper is in Latin. [DOCUMENT] XII. A copy of No. IV. of the volume last described [C.4.18 = IE TCD MS 264] (see p. 68), containing the examination of Stephen Ruffus, "alias Raoux." It occupies six leaves, of which the first and last are blank. The upper part of this paper has been torn off. [DOCUMENT] XIII. Examinations of various prisoners, endorsed at the end- "1488. Num. 7 ;" and in a different hand, "Minutte de diverses Responses de ceux de Frassiniére ubi ne verbum quidem de paillardise. Soubs ce mesme Jean Archevesq. d'Ambrun. Veileti, Inquisiteur. Augeri Inquisiteur." Many of the persons whose examinations are given in this document are the same as those that occur in former examinations. Their names are Johannes Violini, fil. Johannis de Campo Disderio; Joh. Violini Gros, junior, fil. Johannis de Argenteria; Guill. Porte de Argenteria, "ætatis c. annorum et ultra;" Joh Raymundi; Catherina filia Berti Oliverii; Jayme filia Guillmi Porte juns; Poncius Violini filius Petri; Genetus Beneti, f. Lu dovici de valle Loysia; Michael Bertrandi alias Barba de ffraxineria; Johanna filia Guill. ffabii de Argenteria; Margarita filia Johannis Grossi Violini de Argenteria; Berengaria filia Ludovici Beneti de valle Loysia; An thometa filia Ysoardi Aufossi; Telina uxor Ysoardi Aufossi; Johanna relicta Jacobi Ludovici; Gena uxor Poncii Violini. All the foregoing examinations have the signature (not autograph) of "N. Paris." Then follows "Contra magm Petrum Ruffi," the rest of the page having been left blank for the accusation, which was never inserted. On the next page, "Repetitio dicti magri. Petri Ruffi." Then follow accusations and "repetitions" of the following prisoners - Johannes Audonis alias May; Jacobus Berardi filia [read filius] Pauli de Argenteria; Guill. Porte juvenis, fil. Eynardi; Spūs Porte f. Eynardi; Spūs Porte f. Johannis; Anthonius Porte f. Anthonii; Pas queta uxor magistri Petri Ruffi. Then follows a new series of examinations in the same hand, headed "Jhũs.," and in the margin "xxix Aprilis in domo Poncii Brineti coram do. Grand. in presencia do yirati ffraxineriæ." The names of the accused are, Guilhi elma filia Bertrandi; Jayme uxor Petri Romani; Maria filia Stephani Armandi; Joanna filia Johannis Alardi de Dormilholla; Biatrisia filia Joh. Alardi de Fraysineria; Pasqueta filia Jo. Mich. Arbaudi; Margarita filia Michaelis Arbaudi; Cecilia filia Michaelis Baridonis; Caterina filia Petri Pani; Michaelis Arnulphi f. Bruneti Arnulphi; Guill. Breti, f. Michaelis Breti; Joh. Bernardi f. Gin gonis; Petrus Pelegrini f. Petri; Catherina relicta Guill. Raymundi; Angelia uxor Petri Pelegrini; Johannes Thomani f. Johannis; Johannes Raymundi f. Johannis. Also under the date, "xxx Aprilis," Juliana relicta Anthonii Arnulphi; Catherina uxor Peyronii Riply de Pallono; Jacobus Riperti f. Petri; Barthol. Arnulphi f. Bruneti; ffazius Audoni Gay f. Joh. Audonis; Michael Arnulphi f. Bruneti; Petrus Ruffi f. Johannis. From these inquisitions it appears that the Barbs, after confessing their converts, were accustomed to enjoin as penances the repetition of the Pater Noster and Ave Maria a certain number of times; that they objected to an oath, to the invocation of saints, and to purgatory, which they said was only in this life. They refused also to observe the festivals of the saints. This document consists of 16 leaves, of which the last is blank. [DOCUMENT] XIV. "Rursus ipse arch. cupiens de premissis magis informari, informationes continuando infrascriptos pro secreta informatione audivit. fo. eod. Continuatio in formationum. This is an imperfect document, containing an abstract of informations, with references to the folia of some register. It consists of four folio leaves, in the same hand writing as No. I. [DOCUMENT] XV. The examination of Peter Valoy. This paper is endorsed at the end, "Num. 8." It consists of ten leaves, of which the last two are blank, and the first six are torn at the top, in exactly the same way as No. XII ., showing that both were placed together, and that the injury took place at the same time. They are also on the same paper, as appears from the water mark. It is in the same hand as No. I., and is dated 1489. This must be the same Peter Valoy whose sentence is given in No. II. of the volume last described [C.4.18 = IE TCD MS 264]. See p. 60, supra. He appears to have been the brother of Audinus Crispinus, alias Valois, whose examination is given in No. X. of the present volume. [DOCUMENT] XVI. The sentence of Peter Valoy, in French. The same which was given in Latin in No. II. of the volume last described [C.4.18 = IE TCD MS 264]. This paper is in the same hand as No. XI. It is on the same paper as Nos. XII. and XIII. It has at the end the signature of the notary, "N. Gebaude," and the date, "die ultima Martii," 1489, with the endorsement: -- "Proces contre Pierre Valet [sic] de ffressiniere. Confisque ses biens, le livrant au bras seculiers [sic]. N. 8." This is in Morland's vol. H. Camb. Catal. i ., p. 86. [DOCUMENT] XVII. "Proces contre deux barbes a savoir Francois de Gerundino, dict barbe Martin, et bien de Jacob, dict barbe Jean, aux responses des quels ont esté adioustées des calumnies sur le faict de Paillardise et d'Idolatrie comme appert par le sumptum de ses Reponses en brevet y joinct, le quel le Greffier a estendu a son plaisir." Num. 9." Vn des principaux griefs c'est quils changeront les depositions et inseroyent dedans une infinite de sales calomnies." Hurre Jean Archevesq. d'Ambrun." On the next page follow the depositions in Latin, with this title," Anno Dni Mill° cccc{u00BA} lxxxxii°. Processus sive Inquisitio facta per quendam Dmn. Bertholm. Pascalis, secum assiden. Venlibus viris Dnis Poncio Poncii, consiliario Xpiani Dalph. in suo plato Gropol. et Oroncio ejus judice Briansoni." The signature "N. Paris" is affixed to several of the Examinations. This document occupies twelve leaves. It contains matter of very great interest and importance towards ascertaining the real opinions of the sect of Pauperes de Lugduno at the close of the fifteenth century. In the volume last described, No. VI. [C.4.18 = IE TCD MS 264] (p. 70), the title of it only, or rather the French endorsement, translated into Latin, has been transcribed. The portion of it which contains the examination of Francis de Gerundino de Spoleto, commonly called Barb Martin, has been published from the Cambridge MS. H. by Allix, in his" Remarks on the Churches of Piedmont," p. 307, 4to edit. Lond. 1690. Cambr. Catal. i., p. 87. [DOCUMENT] XVIII. A document occupying nine leaves ; headed: "Inquisitionalis processus factus et formatus coram egregiis et circumspectis viris dominis Anthonio ffabri decretorum doctore, canonico Ebredunensi, hæretica que pravitatis in toto Dalphinatu et comitatibus, Vien nensis, Valentinensis, et Diensis generali Inquisitore, a sancta sede Apostolica specialiter et immediate deputato ; et Christoffero de Salhiente etiam Decretorum Doctore Canonico, vicario et officiali Valencia;" beginning, "Ad instantiam et persecutionem honorandi viri," &c. It is subscribed "Gobaudi," endorsed at the end- "1494. Proces contre Peyronete relaissée de Pierre Beraud de Valence; digne d'estre veu." This has been also printed by Allix from the Cambridge MS. (ubi supr. p. 318 ). Cambr. Catal. ibid. 66. [DOCUMENT] XIX. Another document relating to the case of Pero nette, occupying one page only. It is a short paragraph, which has been printed by Allix (loc. cit.), under the title of "Sumptum ex ore Peyronetta." It is headed "Jesus Mariæ filius. Contra Peyronetam Relictam cuiusdam Petri Beraudi alias ffernerii. Loci Belli respectus. A Valence l'an 1444. Existimo fideliter scriptas responsiones." The words in Italics are in a different hand. This document is endorsed at the end- "No. 10. Proces contre Perronete Relaissée de Pierre Beraud de Valence, digne d'estre vue." These papers, from XVII. to XIX ., inclusive, are all in the handwriting of No. I., and on paper bearing the same water mark. The next is in a different hand. [DOCUMENT] XX. The narrative of Rostain, Archbishop of Ambrun, in French. This is the same piece which occurred before in a Latin version, No. I. of the volume last described [C.4.18 = IE TCD MS 264] (p. 67). It begins, "Est a presuposer, Lan mil iiij{u00A4}{u00A4} iiij xx et dix sept apres ma translation," & c. This is probably the original of this tract ; it is quoted by Perrin from this French copy. It consists of six 1 leaves, of which the last is blank. On the upper margin of p. 1 are the dates "1497 et 1501;" on the lower margin, "1497, No. II. ;" on the back of the last leaf the endorsement, 2Num. 11, 1497." There are summaries in the margin, in a hand different from that of the document itself. The paper has a vase, or urn, as water mark. [4] [DOCUMENT] XXI. The upper part of the next document is very much torn. The injury coincides exactly with that sustained by Nos. XII. and XV., and the paper is the same. These documents were therefore most probably all stitched together, and torn by the same hand. They are also all in the same handwriting. This document has the signature of "N. Paris." It consists of six leaves, of which the last is blank. It is endorsed at the end, "Proces et abjuration d'Antoyne Blasii. Num. 12." This is in the same handwriting as No. I. [DOCUMENT] XXII. A letter in a different hand, marked at the end, "Lettre de l'Archevesque Rostain. No. 13." It begins, "Tres reverend pere en Dieu Monseigneur l'Archevesque d'Ambrun," &c., and occupies two pages. [DOCUMENT] XXIII. Some documents, chiefly in French, dated in the upper margin of the first page "12e d'Octobre, 1501," endorsed at the end- "1501. Copies des Let tres Patentes obtenues du Roy Loys douziesme, par ceux de Frassiniere. Apres que Laurans Bureau et Thomas Pascal eurent fait rapport de leur Commission." No. 14. "Contre le Notaire Paris occupateur de patrie de leurs biens. 12 Octobre, 1501." This is in the same hand as the last, and occupies two leaves. [DOCUMENT] XXIV. "Commandement du Roy pour restituer les biens de ceux de la valoise Freissiniere." Endorsed at the end- "17 Octob. 1501. Lettres de la Cour a l'Archevesque d'Ambrun, marquans les [confisca] tions faites par ses devanciers. No. 15." In French, and in the same hand as the last. [DOCUMENT] XXV. Another letter, in the same hand as the last, from the court to the archbishop on the same subject, with several marginal notes, and (in a different hand) the certificate of "Anthonius de Medulion Breissiam et de Rippeins Consiliarius et Cambellanus Regius, locum tenens generalis Dalphinatus." Subscribed "Chapnisse." Endorsed at the end- "No. 15. Lettres du 27ieme May, 1502." It occupies eight leaves, the last of which is blank, with the exception of an endorsement, "Num. 15." The document last described (No. XXIV.), and the first four leaves of the present paper, are torn in exactly the same way as Nos. XII., XV., and XXI. [DOCUMENT] XXVI. A letter from the king on the same subject, dated 27 May, A. D. 1502, and signed at the end, "Par le Roy Daulphin a la relation des gens de son grand Conseil - De Moline ;" and in a different hand "Curia decrevit quod supradictæ literæ exequantur juxta suam formam, et concessæ literæ de supra, citra tamen remissionem personarum extra terram." This document is on the same paper as the last (water mark, a bunch of grapes), and occupies six leaves, the last of which is blank, with the exception of the endorsement. "1502. Du Regne de Loys 12. l'an cin quieme. Le 25. May. No. 16." [DOCUMENT] XXVII. Two leaves, imperfect both at the beginning and at the end, but consecutive, relating to the examination of Odinus Crispinus. They are probably a portion of the imperfect document, No. X., supra. They are in the same hand, and on the same paper..."
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