Attenuation map estimation without transmission scanning using measured scatter data

Autor: Martyn Evans, Brian Hutton, Sarah C. Cade, Simon R. Arridge
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: 2011 IEEE Nuclear Science Symposium Conference Record.
DOI: 10.1109/nssmic.2011.6155246
Popis: Attenuation correction is essential for reliable interpretation of SPECT images, however the use of transmission measurements to generate attenuation maps is limited by availability of equipment and potential mismatches between the transmission and emission measurements. A method has been developed to use scatter data measured at the same time as the emission measurements to estimate an attenuation map. The algorithm iterates through a dual estimation process, fixing estimated activity and attenuation respectively. The work presented here improves the accuracy of the previously described scatter model. The possibility of using an ordered subsets technique to accelerate the reconstruction algorithm is considered and the robustness of the reconstruction algorithm to errors in the estimation of higher order scatter is investigated.
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