Impact of measurement set-up on RVC-like event detection

Autor: Ana Ruxandra Toma, Ana-Maria Dumitrescu, Mihaela Albu
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: I2MTC
DOI: 10.1109/i2mtc.2016.7520460
Popis: In many power system applications it is required to assess the type and frequency of occurrence of power quality (PQ) events. Voltage waveform is one of the most regulated PQ — related issue. Although PQ is dealing essentially with steady-state energy transfer, the emerging power networks require faster control algorithms and therefore it is important to discriminate between steady-state, quasi-steady state and dynamic phenomena. Rapid voltage change (RVC) appears as a key condition in LV grid control algorithms. The methodology to assess and discriminate between RVC events and other voltage variations is presented in the newest version (2015) of IEC 610004-30 [1] where a reporting rate for the measurement set-up of 100 frames/s is indicated and some values for the threshold are suggested. This paper addresses the impact of the measurement set-up both in terms of reporting rate and measurement uncertainty on detection and assessment of this type of events.
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