Daily Travel Schedules of Adult Eurasian HobbiesFalco subbuteo— Variability in Flight Hours and Migration Speed Along the Route

Autor: Roine Strandberg, Patrik Olofsson, Thomas Alerstam, Raymond H. G. Klaassen
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: Ardea. 97:287-295
ISSN: 0373-2266
Popis: We analysed satellite tracking data to reveal the daily travel schedules of Hobbles Falco subbuteo migrating between northern Europe and southern Africa. By comparing movements during short-time intervals of 1–8 h at different times of the day between the three different regions Europe, Sahara Desert and tropical Africa, we found significant higher hourly speeds in the Sahara compared to the other two regions. The migration started early in the morning and continued throughout the day, resulting in daily travel time exceeding that of typical thermal soaring migrants. Due to fast hourly speeds in combination with the long travel days during Sahara crossings, the Hobbies exceeded daily travel distances recorded for soaring migrants. In Europe and tropical Africa, the speed was highly variable during the day, and lower flight speeds, especially during afternoons, suggest a fly-and-forage strategy. Our predictions about regular occurrence of nocturnal flight especially across geographical barriers as the dese...
Databáze: OpenAIRE