Modeling and simulation best practices for wireless ad hoc networks

Autor: Perrone, Yougu Yuan
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: Proceedings of the 2003 International Conference on Machine Learning and Cybernetics (IEEE Cat. No.03EX693).
Popis: This paper calls attention to important practices in the modeling and the simulation of wireless ad hoc networks. We present three case studies to highlight the importance of following well-established simulation techniques, of carefully describing experimental study scenarios, and, finally, of understanding assumptions sometimes unstated in the framework of a simulator. The first case addresses the initial transient problem inherent to mobility and traffic generation sub-models. We quantitatively demonstrate how these transients can affect the simulation. Our second case illustrates the fact that strong scientific contributions can only be made via simulation studies when the models used are unambiguously specified. The example we use are simulations with and without a model for the ARP protocol. Finally, our third case discusses the importance of understanding the simulation tool and any default values used for model parameters. The example used relates to the use of the limited interference model.
Databáze: OpenAIRE