Technical refitting of cogeneration stations on the basis of combined-cycle technologies with the use of a parallel scheme

Autor: A. D. Gol'dshtein, V. I. Dlugosel’skii, V. I. Shchelokov, V. P. Knyaz’kov, T. N. Komisarchik, I. V. Galas
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Thermal Engineering. 53:956-963
ISSN: 1555-6301
DOI: 10.1134/s0040601506120020
Popis: Results from analyzing different versions of combined-cycle toppings that can be used for technically refitting the TETs-23 cogeneration station are presented. Changes in the operating conditions of the turbine and boiler are investigated, thermal schemes are developed, and questions concerning the placement of new equipment on the old site are considered. An approach to evaluating the effect from refitting the cogeneration station is proposed that uses parameters calculated per unit of the additional power obtained during the refitting.
Databáze: OpenAIRE