IoT and Artificial Intelligence for Healthcare Informatics

Autor: Jyothi Mandala, Ganeshan R., Balajee Maram, Daniya T.
Rok vydání: 2022
Popis: Most of the IT industry's significant research areas are remote healthcare systems that provide easily deployable and ubiquitous healthcare systems in the recent developments. In remote healthcare systems, user confidence is improved with providing the patients data privacy and communication security. The basic idea about healthcare informatics is described in the introduction. Internet of things (IoT) in healthcare systems, devices and mobile apps for healthcare, and its challenges to medical fields are analyzed in the second part. The combination of healthcare with artificial intelligence (AI) and IoT technology will create a user friendly application and developed healthcare by solving the issues of healthcare system and providing more security to personal and medical information of patients. A brief discussion of artificial intelligence in healthcare is provided in the third section of the research. Both the critical and prior circumstances and the applications of healthcare systems are worked along with further developments in those applications.
Databáze: OpenAIRE