Frequency and Histopathological variants of Leiomyoma in Uterine Specimens in a Tertiary Care Hospital

Autor: Abdul Ghafoor, Mohammad Sajjad, Tabbassam Naheed Kauser, Zubaida Khanum, Hina Khan, Bushra Nabi
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Journal of Saidu Medical College, Swat. 11:9-13
ISSN: 1819-4583
DOI: 10.52206/jsmc.2021.11.1.9-13
Popis: Background: Leiomyoma is the commonest benign smooth muscle tumor of uterus. It also occur in other organs like gall bladder,skin, gasterointestinal tract etc. Leiomyosarcoma is a rare malignant counter part of leiomyoma.Objective: To see the frequency of histopathological variants of leiomyomas in uterine specimens in Southern District ofKhyber Pakhtunkhwa Pakistan.Material and Methods: This descriptive study was conducted in Department of Pathology, Bannu Medical College Bannu incollaboration with Government and Private Hospitals of the Southern District of KPK. The duration of study was seven years fromJanuary 2011 to December 2017. A total of 210 specimen of leiomyoma were included in this study. Inclusion criteria was allbiopsies of uterine leiomyomas of any age. Exclusion criteria wa autolysed and insufficient biopsy specimen. All biopsies werefixed over night in 10% buffered formalin, processed for histopathological slides preparation. Finally slides were prepared, labeledand reported by Histopathologist. . All the data was analysed in Statistical Package for Social Sciences (SPSS) version 20 forfrequency with percentages and mean with standard deviation.Results: In this study of 210 leiomyoma cases, the age range was from 25- 65 years. The commonest age group was 36-45 yearsfollowed by 25-35 years. The frequency of leiomyoma was 21.5% amongst the total uterine biopsy specimen. Histologically theusual leiomyoma was comprising of 176(83.80%) followed by hyalinised leiomyoma 11 (5.23%), myxoid leiomyoma 09(4.28%),lipoleiomyoma 05 (2.38%), cellular leiomyoma 04 (1.90%), shwannian leiomyoma 03 (1.42%) and one each of symplastic andangioleiomyoma 01(0.47%).Conclusin: Leiomyoma which is the commonest benign smooth muscle tumor of uterus have a number of histological variants. Inthis study usuall leiomyoma was the commonest variant followed by hyalinized leiomyoma, myxoid leiomyoma and lipoleiomyoma.It is important to separate various types of leiomyoma on histology to avoid confusion of misdiagnosis.Key WordsS: Histopathology. Fibroids. Leiomyoma variants. Hysterectomy. Myomectomy.
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