Hungarian-English Machine Translation Using GenPar

Autor: András Hócza, András Kocsor
Rok vydání: 2006
Zdroj: Text, Speech and Dialogue ISBN: 9783540390909
DOI: 10.1007/11846406_11
Popis: We present an approach for machine translation by applying the GenPar toolkit on POS-tagged and syntactically parsed texts Our experiment in Hungarian-English machine translation is an attempt to develop prototypes of a syntax-driven machine translation system and to examine the effects of various preprocessing steps (POS-tagging, lemmatization and syntactic parsing) on system performance The annotated monolingual texts needed for different language specific tasks were taken from the Szeged Treebank and the Penn Treebank The parallel sentences were collected from the Hunglish Corpus Each developed prototype runs fully automatically and new Hungarian-related functions are built in The results are evaluated with BLEU score.
Databáze: OpenAIRE