Традиции и новации в современной интерпретации классического искусства

Rok vydání: 2021
DOI: 10.24412/2070-075x-2021-2-62-68
Popis: Предмет исследования – театральная премьера оперы «Кармен» Ж. Бизе, которая прошла на сцене Пермского академического театра оперы и балета им. П.И. Чайковского (апрель, 2021), где в качестве приглашенного режиссера выступил Константин Богомолов. Ее осмысление авторы осуществляют на фоне кинематографа, балетных спектаклей, хореографии, других оперных постановок в опоре на методы интерпретации либо реинтерпретации, а также интертекстуальный анализ. Новизна работы обусловлена тем, что впервые режиссерская работа К. Богомолова оказывается в центре искусствоведческой рефлексии.
The article examines the opera Carmen by Georges Bizet staged by the Moscow director Konstantin Bogomolov. The opera premiered in the spring of 2021 at the Perm Tchaikovsky Opera and Ballet Theater, which determines the timeliness and relevance of referring to the topic indicated in the title of the article. The aim of the study is dictated by the need to assess this new staged version of Bizet’s opera in the context of historical and cultural dynamics. The objective of the research is to identify both traditional and innovative moments in the implementation of the director’s intention. The novelty of the article is determined by the fact that for the first time the creative work of a dramatic director, acting in the status of an opera director, is considered in the problem field of art history. At the same time, the research methodology was formed on the basis of methods of interpretation and reinterpretation, the principle of intertextuality, including a comparative analysis of various stagings and conditions for their creation. The authors come to the conclusion that Bogomolov’s work is an experience of reinterpreting the classical artistic heritage, which entails a total rethinking of both the original source – the novel by Prosper Mérimée – and the opera by Bizet based on it. The fact that the Russian director worked in the space of the dialogue of arts and, more broadly, of cultures, requires the viewer to abandon the consumption of ready-made information and a conscious readiness to actualize a harmonizing dialogue, whose effectiveness is determined by reconciling the contradictions between the given and the created, the traditional and the innovative.
Databáze: OpenAIRE