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An advanced sample preparation protocol using Xe+ Plasma FIB for increasing FA throughput is proposed. We prepared cross-sections of 400 μm and wider in challenging samples such as a BGA (CSP), bond wires in mold compound or a TSV array. These often suffer from FIB milling artifacts. The unsatisfactory quality of the cross-section face is mainly due to extremely different milling rates of the various materials (polyimide, tin, copper, mold compound, platinum), ion beam induced ripples [1] or due to significant surface topography. We explored the usability of the protocol for standard cross-sections and also tested the preparation of TEM lamellae. The process parameters of the proposed approach were compared with the standard methods of Xe+ Plasma FIB FA with respect to preparation time and cross-section quality. Aiming for ultimate results, we incorporated the Rocking stage technique which also greatly improves cross-section quality. |