Autor: Gary L. Hagnauer, Samuel P. Gido, Donald A. Tomalia, Lajos P. Balogh, Regina Valluzzi, Kenneth S. Laverdure
Rok vydání: 1999
Zdroj: Journal of Nanoparticle Research. 1:353-368
ISSN: 1388-0764
Popis: Structural types of dendrimer nanocomposites have been studied and the respective formation mechanisms have been described, with illustration of nanocomposites formed from poly(amidoamine) PAMAM dendrimers and zerovalent metals, such as gold and silver. Structure of {(Au(0))n−PAMAM} and {(Ag(0))n−PAMAM} gold and silver dendrimer nanocomposites was found to be the function of the dendrimer structure and surface groups as well as the formation mechanism and the chemistry involved. Three different types of single nanocomposite architectures have been identified, such as internal (‘I’), external (‘E’) and mixed (‘M’) type nanocomposites. Both the organic and inorganic phase could form nanosized pseudo-continuous phases while the other components are dispersed at the molecular or atomic level either in the interior or on the surface of the template/container. Single units of these nanocomposites may be used as building blocks in the synthesis of nanostructured materials.
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