Multiwavelength Erbium-Doped Fiber Laser Employing A Dual-Pass Unbalanced In-Line Sagnac Interferometric Comb Filter

Autor: Yuh-Fung Huang, Hermann Lin, Yu-Syuan Huang
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: Advances in Optical Materials.
DOI: 10.1364/filas.2011.fthe14
Popis: A dual-pass unbalanced in-line Sagnac interferometer (dual-pass UISI) proposed as a novel interferometric comb filter, which incorporating the two schemes of nonlinear polarization rotation and intensity dependent loss (NPR-IDL) has been successfully implemented in multiwavelenght erbium-doped fiber lasers (MWEDFLs). The signal to noise ratio (SNR) of lasing wavelengths can be measured to 60dB, which obtains 13dB enhancements more than the single-pass UISI. The flatness of lasing spectra is less than 2dB. These enhanced spectra of multiwavelength lasing outputs could have more amplified efficiencies by an external optics amplifier to amplify the peak powers additionally.
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