Genotipuri noi de grâu comun de toamnă – productivitatea și calitatea boabelor

Autor: Angela Rudacova, Galina Lupascu, Svetlana Gavzer, Ala Cherdivara
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Genetics, Physiology and Plant Breeding.
DOI: 10.53040/gppb7.2021.59
Popis: The article presents data on the structural elements of the spike and the biochemical content of the grains in newly created common wheat winter genotypes, cultivated in extreme drought conditions of 2020. It was concluded that the lines and cultivars created by hybridization and individual selection of segregating populations are well adapted to drought and have a high nutritional value of grains which is of great practical interest.
Databáze: OpenAIRE