Phlegmasia cerulea dolens complicated by methylenetetrahydrofolate reductase genetic mutation

Autor: Lauren M. Wright, Jason A. Fried
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: International Journal of Case Reports and Images. 7:314
ISSN: 0976-3198
Popis: Introduction: Deep venous thrombosis (DVt) is the formation of a blood clot within a deep vein. Phlegmasia cerulea dolens (PcD) represents a critical acute consequence of DVt. the PcD is a condition caused by massive iliofemoral thrombosis that produces severe venous congestion and obstruction of arterial flow; eventually, causing ischemia in the affected extremity. the treatment goals of PcD are to restore venous outflow by removing thrombus burden, prevent additional thrombus formation, and maintain collateral circulation. However, no therapeutic algorithms exist for PcD. case report: We report PcD in a 55-year-old male with a significant past medical history for multiple venous thromboembolisms, requiring placement of an inferior vena cava filter and lifetime anticoagulation. clinical presentation and accompanying venous duplex results led to the diagnosis of PcD. the 9th American college of chest Physicians consensus conference on Antithrombotic and thrombolytic therapy created guidelines for treatment of acute DVt in the absence of gangrene. Guidelines advise to withhold thrombolysis and percutaneous
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