Possibilities of use of metformin for correction of endothelial dysfunction and adaptation reserves of an organism in patients with metabolic syndrome

Autor: Aleksej I. Grivenko, Aleksej A. Nizov, Larisa V. Nikiforova, Ekaterina I. Suchkova
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: I.P. Pavlov Russian Medical Biological Herald. 27:458-467
ISSN: 2500-2546
Popis: Aim. To study possibilities of pharmaceutical correction of clinical laboratory parameters, of endothelial dysfunction and non-specific adaptation reserves in patients with metabolic syndrome (MS) through use of metformin. Materials and Methods. The three-month program involved 53 patients with MS rando-mized to two comparable groups. Patients of the control group were kept on individual low-calorie diet and practiced graduated exercises. Patients of the studied group, besides the mentioned program of modification of the lifestyle, took metformin. In all participants, anthropometric and clinical laboratory parameters were twice evaluated, total body composition, condition of vascular endothelium and non-specific adaptation reserves of an organism were analyzed. The extent of endothelial dysfunction was evaluated by the level of endothelin-1 and by parameters of photoplethysmographic examination, non-specific adaptation reserves by the method of analysis of the cardiac rhythm variability. Results. Metformin in complex with dietary therapy and physical exercises proved to be a safe medical drug for correction of components of MS and of endothelial dysfunction. Use of metformin in patients with MS in combination with dietary therapy and graduated physical exercises as compared to use of the program of modification of the lifestyle alone, leads to reduction in the body mass, waist circumference (in women) and of the total fat mass. Introduction of metformin into the program of complex therapy of patients with MS, provides more evident correction of the parameters of carbohydrate metabolism, reduction of endothelin-1 and stiffness index of the aortic wall, enhancement of parasympathetic regulation, than modification of the lifestyle alone. Conclusion. Use of metformin in the complex therapy of metabolic syndrome in comparison with the program of modification of the lifestyle, promotes a more significant reduction of the clinical laboratory parameters, of endothelial dysfunction and improves non-specific adaptation reserves of an organism.
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