Analysis of Current-Voltage-Temperature and Capacitance-Voltage-Temperature Characteristics of Re/n-Si Schottky Contacts

Autor: Hamdi Şükür Kiliç, Haziret Durmuş, Serap Yiğit Gezgin, Şükrü Karataş
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: Silicon. 10:361-369
ISSN: 1876-9918
Popis: The current–capacitance-voltage characteristics of Re/n-type Si Schottky contacts have been measured in the temperature range of 60–300 K by steps of 20 K. The ohmic and Schottky contacts are made by the Pulsed Laser Deposition (PLD) technique. The values of barrier heights, ideality factors and serial resistances have been found to be strongly temperature dependent. In short, the ideality factor decreased and the barrier height increased with increasing temperature, when the temperature-dependent (I−V) characteristics were analyzed on the basis of the thermionic emission (TE) theory. The experimental barrier height and ideality factor were plotted against (kT) −1 which gives two slopes, one is over the 60–140 K region and the other is over the 160–300 K region presenting a double Gaussian distribution of barrier heights. Two Gaussian distribution analyses of the I−V characteristics of the Re/n-type Si Schottky barrier diodes gave the mean barrier heights of 0.812 and 0.473 eV and standard deviations (σs) of 102 mV and 55 mV, respectively. Therefore, these values of the mean barrier height have been verified with the modified ln(I0/ T2) - \(q^{\mathrm {2}}{\sigma _{o}^{2}} \)/2 k2T2 vs (k T)−1 plot which belongs to two temperature sections.
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