Oldest record of the Great White Shark (Lamnidae, Carcharodon; Miocene) in the Southern Atlantic

Autor: María Julia Barla, Alberto Luis Cione, Daniel Alfredo Cabrera
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Geobios. 45:167-172
ISSN: 0016-6995
Popis: Lamnid teeth close to but more plesiomorph than Carcharodon carcharias were collected in the late Miocene beds of the Parana Formation in the central eastern Argentina. We propose, as other authors, that some species formerly assigned to Isurus or to Cosmopolitodus should be included in Carcharodon. Some workers suggested that C. carcharias originated by phyletic evolution in the Pacific basin. The teeth from Parana could pertain to a new species of Carcharodon already known from Peru. In contrast with the Pacific basin, Carcharodon sp. was sympatric with the wide toothed species Carcharodon plicatilis in central Argentina. This is the oldest record of Carcharodon in the southern Atlantic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE