Reverse correlation between CD39+CD25+ Treg and activated CD8+ T cells / NK cells in HIV-1- patients with low CD4 cell counts (105.48)

Autor: Patrick Schuler, William Buchanan, Sharon Riddler, Theresa Whiteside, Macatangay Bernard, Charles Rinaldo
Rok vydání: 2011
Zdroj: The Journal of Immunology. 186:105.48-105.48
ISSN: 1550-6606
Popis: The role of regulatory T cells (Treg) in HIV has been studied intensely but remains unclear regarding their effect on cellular immune activation. Frequencies of CD4 and CD8 T cells, CD39+CD25+ Treg, Th17 cells, MDSC, B cells, NK cells and the activation status of T cells (CD38+HLADR+) were determined by flow cytometry in 10 healthy controls and 32 HIV-1+ patients. Immunosuppressive functions of single-cell sorted Treg were determined in the CFSE proliferation assay. Cytokine production (IL1b, 2, 4, 5, 6, 8, 10, INFg, TNFa, GM-CSF), C-reactive protein and soluble CD14 were measured in patients’ plasma by Luminex and ELISA. The absolute number of CD39+CD25+ Treg was significantly decreased in HIV-patients compared to normal controls (p=0.001). However, the frequency of Treg (p=0.04) and HLADR+CD38+CD8+ T cells (p=0.05) was increased only in patients with anti-retroviral therapy (ART). HIV+ patients with ART and low CD4+ cell count had the highest level of immune activation (p=0.04), and in this group we observed a significant negative correlation between CD39+CD25+ Treg and activated T cells (r2=0.5) as well as increased numbers of NK-cells. In ART-treated HIV+ patients with CD4+ T cell recovery, the frequency of Treg, NK cells and CD8+ T cell activation normalized. ART restores the frequency of Treg and activated T cells to normal levels. However, in patients whose CD4+ T cell count did not recover during ART, Treg frequency negatively correlated with T cell immune activation.
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