Autor: Bogdan Cristian Florea, Daniela Ionela Juganaru, Dragos Marcu, Bianca Cezarina Ene, Roxana Marina Solea, Daniela Tufeanu, Adrian Ioana
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: European Journal of Materials Science and Engineering. 6:131-135
ISSN: 2537-4346
Popis: This article presents discoveries and inventions from different periods of mankind, which played an important role in social and technological evolution. Thus, from the period of the Ancient World (prehistory - 400 AD), we present: the appearance of stone tools (which occurred in East Africa and belongs to the first hominids); pottery (appeared in 10500 BC); the development of metallurgy (began in the Middle East, around 6500 BC); the invention of the ox-drawn plow (which occurred around 4000 BC); the construction of the first pyramid in Egypt (2600 BC); the development of iron processing (as part of the development of metallurgy, it occurred around 1400 BC); modernization of papermaking technology (attributed to Tsai Lun, China, around 105 AD); Another historical period that we analyzed in terms of discoveries and innovations that revolutionized humanity was the Middle Ages (400 - 1500). Thus, from this period we presented the following discoveries and inventions: the discovery of the number zero (occurred in 520 and belongs to Indian mathematicians); woodcut printing (appeared in sixth century China); the first printed newspaper (year 700); the development of algebra (it belongs to the Greek mathematician Diophantos, 3rd century AD); gunpowder (it was discovered around 850); the establishment of the University of Bologna (made in 1088); The last period approached was the current one. From this period we presented the following discoveries: magnetism - a new form of electricity; devices controlled only by hand gestures.
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