Public Policy Perspectives on the Utilization of Nuclear Power Plants in Supporting Sustainable Development in Indonesia

Autor: Tri Hastuti, Susilo Widodo, Heddy Krishyana, Falconi Margono, Hafizh Akbar
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Advances in Science and Technology.
ISSN: 1662-0356
Popis: Population growth affects the increase in electrical energy demand in Indonesia. The energy is used to fulfill daily and industrial needs for improving welfare and sustainably advance society. Nuclear power plants (NPPs) are technologically advanced, reliable, and environmentally friendly electricity generators that can significantly reduce climate change. Current public policies related to the use of NPPs in Indonesia tend to bring the realization of nuclear power plants closer. This study aims to provide an overview of the development of public policies related to the use of NPPs in Indonesia. This study uses qualitative methods based on analysis of secondary data collected from various sources and literature. Data analysis is done by selecting, organizing, and presenting as a collection of information to be used for drawing conclusions. The results of the study indicate that the public policy perspectives have progressed towards supporting the use of NPP in supporting sustainable development. The increasing knowledge of public policy perspectives on the utilization of NPPs in Indonesia is important for educational and dissemination purposes as part of efforts to strengthen public acceptance.
Databáze: OpenAIRE