Book Reviews

Autor: J.G. Oosten, Peter Fuchs, J.P. Boendermaker, Björn Björnsson, H.C.G. Schoenmaker, J. Baal, Miriam Beet-Sterman, Jean Hurault, Stephen Wild, Alan Lomax, Aidan Southall, A.H.J. Prins, Paula Brown, H.J.M. Claessen, Irving Goldman, P. Velde, J. Peter White, null Ajatrohaedi, Tom Harrison, David S. Moyer, James A. Tuck, Jeremy Boissevain, José Cutileiro
Rok vydání: 1974
Zdroj: Bijdragen tot de taal-, land- en volkenkunde / Journal of the Humanities and Social Sciences of Southeast Asia. 130:157-194
ISSN: 2213-4379
DOI: 10.1163/22134379-90002712
Popis: J.G. Oosten, Peter Fuchs, Kult und Autorität: de Religion der Hadjerai. Dietrich Reimer Verlag, Berlin 1970. 395 S., 12 Karten, 38 Abb., 52 Photos. - J.P. Boendermaker, Björn Björnsson, The Lutheran doctrine of marriage in modern Icelandic society. Oslo, Reykjavik 1971. 250 p. - H.C.G. Schoenmaker, J. van Baal, Symbols for communication. An introduction to the anthropological study of religion. Van Gorcum & Comp. N.V. Assen, 1971. I-XII, 295 p. - Miriam de Beet-Sterman, Jean Hurault, Africains de Guyane. La vie matérielle et l’art des Noirs Réfugiés de Guyana. Mouton, La Haye-Paris 1970. 224 pp., 47 foto’s en illustraties. - Stephen Wild, Alan Lomax, Folk song style and culture. American Association for the Advancement of Science, Washington, D.C., 1968. xix, 308 pp., 3 appendices, bibliog., illus., maps. - Aidan Southall, A.H.J. Prins, Didemic Lamu: Social stratification and spatial structure in a Muslim maritime town. Instituut voor Culturele Antropologie der Rijksuniversiteit Groningen 1971. 68 pp., 4 diag., 4 figs., Map. - H.J.M. Claessen, Irving Goldman, Ancient Polynesian society. The University of Chicago Press. Chicago and London 1970. 625 pp., bibl., appendices, register. - J. van Baal, Paula Brown, The Chimbu: A study of change in the New Guinea Highlands. Schenkman Publishing Cy, Inc., Cambridge, Massachussets 1972, 151 + IX pp. - P. van de Velde, J. Peter White, Ol Tumbana - Archaeological excavations in the Eastern Central Highlands, Papua New Guinea. Terra Australis 2. Department of Pre-History, Research School of Pacific Studies, The Australian National University, Canberra, 1972. xx + 176 pp., 170 tables, 28 figs., 5 plates. - Ajatrohaedi, Tom Harrison, Gold and megalithic activity in prehistoric and recent West Borneo. New York, Southeast Asia Program, Department of Asian Studies. Cornell University, Data Paper number 77, 1970. XIV and 331 pp., map, ills., Stanley J. O’Connor (eds.) - David S. Moyer, James A. Tuck, Onondaga Iroquois Prehistory. Syracuse University Press, Syracuse 1971. xiii, 255 p. - Jeremy Boissevain, José Cutileiro, A Portugese rural society. The Clarendon Press, Oxford 1971. xi, 314 p., 10 plates, figs.
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