Dynamical systems and wavelets

Autor: Hua, Xinhou.
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.20381/ruor-14707
Popis: The first part of this thesis is concerned with Bakers Conjecture (1984) which says that two permutable transcendental entire functions have the same Julia set. To this end, we shall exhibit that two permutable transcendental entire functions of a certain type have the same Julia set. So far, this is the best result to the conjecture. The second part relates to Newton's method to find zeros of functions. We shall look for the locations of the limits of the iterating sequence of the relaxed Newton function on its wandering domains. A relaxed Newton function with corresponding properties is constructed. The third part relates to the dynamics of ordinary differential equations and inverse problems. Given a target solution, we shall construct second-order differential equations with Legendre polynomial basis to approximate the target solution. An algorithm and numerical solutions are provided. Examples show that the approximations we have found are much better than the known results obtained by means of first-order differential equations. We shall also discuss approximation using a wavelet basis. MATLAB is used to compute the numerical results. In the fourth part, we deal with variational problems in signal and image processing. For a given signal or image represented by a function, we shall provide a good approximation to the function, which minimizes a given functional.
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