Content-based video retrieval and compression: a unified solution

Autor: Yucel Altunbasak, J.Y.A. Wang, Hong-Jiang Zhang
Rok vydání: 2002
Zdroj: ICIP (1)
DOI: 10.1109/icip.1997.647372
Popis: Video compression and retrieval have been treated as separate problems in the past. We present an object-based video representation that facilitates both compression and retrieval. Typically in retrieval applications, a video sequence is subdivided in time into a set of shorter segments each of which contains similar content. These segments are represented by 2-D representative images called "key-frames" that greatly reduce amount of data that is searched. However, key-frames do not describe the motions and actions of objects within the segment. We propose a representation that extends the ideas of the key-frame to further include what we define as "key-objects". These key-objects consist of regions within a key-frame that move with similar motion. Thus our key-objects allow a retrieval system to more efficiently present information to users and assist them in browsing and retrieving relevant video content.
Databáze: OpenAIRE