Autor: Olena Tomchuk, Tetiana Mulyk, Lidiia Fedoryshyna
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: "EСONOMY. FINANСES. MANAGEMENT: Topical issues of science and practical activity". :146-160
ISSN: 2411-4413
Popis: The system of analytical support of the enterprise in conditions of crisis management is investigated. The approaches to understanding the essence of crisis management, its purpose, role and the basic requirements to the formation of the system of crisis management are specified. It is established that the crisis management of the enterprise is a complex system that is different in its strategic nature and aims at eliminating of possible and existing problems in its activities by developing and implementing a special program using the full potential of modern management. It is established that the crisis management system should provide an appropriate approach to the enterprise's debt in order to effectively manage it, to ensure optimum balance between receivables and accounts payable, to prevent the occurrence of overdue debts, to systematically monitor the calculations, and so on. The analysis of receivables and accounts payables by branches of Ukraine is carried out and the significant excess of receivables is noted. It is indicated that the management of the enterprise will be interested in information on: the amount, dynamics, composition and structure of its indebtedness; quality of debt; the reasons that caused the occurrence and existence of debt; the frequency of occurrence and repayment of debts; influence of debt on the financial condition of the enterprise; the expediency of investing in an enterprise's debt, etc. It is established that the purpose of analysis of receivables and accounts payable is to identify the amount of justified and unreasonable debt; changes for the analyzed period, the reality of receivable and amounts payables, reasons and the prescription of accounts receivable. In this regard, the analysis of receivables and accounts payables is an important part of the financial analysis at the enterprise and allows you to identify not only the indicators of current and prospective solvency of the enterprise, but also factors influencing their dynamics, as well as assess quantitative and qualitative tendencies in the financial state of enterprises in the future. It is determined that in the process of organization of debt analysis it is necessary to separately evaluate and study the availability, composition and structure of the company's debt, its frequency, quality and causes, including overdue. To study the composition and structure of the debt, its dynamics it is appropriate to make special analytical tables, graphs, drawings. In the course of the analysis it is also appropriate to compare the amounts of receivable and payables. According to the results of this comparison, the following factors can be identified: increase or decrease of receivables; increase or decrease in payables. It is stated that the management of receivable and accounts payables at the enterprise is the process of development and implementation of managerial decisions regarding the consistency of their size and speed of the movement in time, providing the necessary profit and optimal amount of available funds. The main components of the enterprise debt management system are presented in the article.
Databáze: OpenAIRE