Celetrigona hirsuticornis Camargo & Pedro, 2009, sp. nov

Autor: Camargo, João M. F., Pedro, Silvia R. M.
Rok vydání: 2009
DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.5622604
Popis: Celetrigona hirsuticornis sp. nov. (Figs. 8, 9, 16; Tab. I) Diagnosis. Base of scape with bristles ca. 2 x or less as long as scape diameter; on posterior surface of fl.1, 1– 2 very long bristles, ca. 2.6–4.5 x diameter of fl. 3 (Fig. 8), and from fl. 2 forward, a sequence of long erect bristles progressively shorter, aligned (Fig. 9). Holotype, worker (Tab. I). Dimensions. Total length, 3.83 mm; forewing length, from apex of costal sclerite to wing tip, 3.60 mm (including tegula, 4.03 mm); maximum head width, 1.68 mm; abdomen width (TIII), 1.38 mm. Integument color. Black, with yellow-ferruginous antennal scape, pedicel, fl. 1, last fl., coxa I, all trochanters and tarsomeres, mandible, except condyles, labrum and lower third of gena. Clypeus almost entirely yellowish, except for black narrow stripe on basal margin and another on apical margin; parocular areas with one yellowish maculation on each side, broadened below and gradually narrowed to the tangent of interorbital maximum. The remaining color characteristics as described for the genus. Vestiture. Base of scape with 2–3 long bristles, the longest 2.3 x as long as the scape diameter, bristles shorter (0.5 x scape diameter) and finer to the apex of scape; pedicel bristles slightly longer than diameter of fl. 3; on posterior surface of fl. 1 two very long bristles, ca. 3.7 x diameter of fl. 3 (Fig. 8), and from fl. 2 forward, a sequence of erect bristles progressively shorter, aligned (Fig. 9), one or two on each flagellomere, as long as 2.2 x fl. 3 diameter on fl.2, 2x on fl.3, 1x on fl. 4, 0.5 x on fl. 5. The remaining pilosity as described for the genus. Integument sculpture. As described for the genus. Form and proportions (measurements in Table I). General shape of the body as described for the genus. Head 1.2 x wider than long. Eyes 2.2 x longer than wide, slightly convergent below. Malar area 1.8 x longer than fl. 3 diameter. Clypeus 0.6 x shorter than its maximum width, and 0.3 x clypeocellar distance. Mandible length 0.5 x clypeocellar distance; shape of mandible and labrum as described for the genus. Scape length 1.2 x alveolocellar distance, slightly flattened in the middle. Interocellar distance 1.2 x longer than ocellorbital distance and 2.5 x median ocellus diameter. Scutellum 0.45 x shorter than wide. Tibia III 1.0x longer than head width and 4.0x longer than wide. Basitarsus III 1.8 x longer than wide and 0.8 x narrower than tibia. Forewing 2.7 x longer than wide and 2.1 x longer than head width; wing venation as described for the genus. Male. Unknown. Type material. Holotype, worker, from “Porto Velho / Rondonia – Brasil / 12-22 -X- 1966 / Col. Camargo”, deposited in RPSP. Paratypes, 14 workers: 11 from the same locality, date and collector of the holotype, 1 worker from “Rio Ipixuna / Purus – AM, Brasil / 20,23- I- 1986 / 860761 ”, “SB.20, 63º 20 ’W- 6 º0’S / Camargo – Mazucato”; 1 worker with identical label of the anterior, number 860763; 1 worker from “Rio Ipixuna / Purus – AM Brasil / 16, 19-I- 1986 / Camargo, Mazucato”. All deposited in RPSP. Additional material examined. BRAZIL. Amazonas. Rio Ipixuna, Purus, SB.20, 63º 25 ’W- 6 º 5 ’S, 16–19.I. 1986, Camargo, Mazucato (1 w, 860443, RPSP); Acre. Rio Tejo, Alto Juruá, RESEX, 22.VII. 1995, M. L. Oliveira col. (1 w, INPA); Rondônia: Campo Novo, Reg. Cpo. Novo, Ig. Tracoazinho, 1–15.VIII. 1985, V. Py-Daniel, L. Aquino leg. (14 w, INPA); Cerejeiras, S 13 º 16.113 ’, W 60 º 50.945 ’, 25.II. 1997, Brown, Boina, Vieira leg. (1 w, 5389, RPSP); Cujubim, Reserva Rio Cujubim, 09º 20.306 ’S, 62 º 34.440 ’W, 24.III. 1997, Brown, Boina, Vieira leg (1 w, RO- 6977, RPSP); Guajará-Mirim, Pacaás Novos, 27.XII. 1995, M. L. Oliveira, PN0789 (1 w, RPSP); ibidem, S 10 º 33.751 ’ W 64 º 45.463 ’, 09.IX. 1996, Brown, Boina, Vieira leg. (1 w, 757, RPSP); ibidem, idem, 10.IX. 1996 (5 w, 614, 615, 622, 668, 669, RPSP); ibidem, idem, S 10 º 45.516 ’ W 64 º42.761, 09.X. 1996 (2 w, 1827, 1873, RPSP); ibidem, idem, S 10 º 49.464 ’, W 64 º 54.282 ’, 09.X. 1996 (1 w, 1799, RPSP); ibidem, 10 º 48 ’S, 65 º 22 ’W, 12-14.X. 2001, Oliveira, Morato & Cunha leg. (2 w, INPA); Mirante da Serra, S 11 º 10.181 ’ W 62 º 51.110 ’, 25.IX. 1996, Brown, Boina, Vieira leg. (2 w, 2435, 2483, RPSP); ibidem, idem, Linha 52, 10º 56 ’ 36.9 ”S, 62 º 40 ’ 52.6 ”W, 14.VIII. 11997 (1 w, RO- 12960, RPSP); Nova Mamoré, S 10 º 23.832 ’ W 65 º00.467’, 13.IX. 1996, Brown, Boina, Vieira leg. (1 w, 73, RPSP); Nova União, Linha 36, 10º 52 ’ 40.9 ”S - 62 º 32 ’ 20.2 ”W, 11.VIII. 1997, Brown, Boina Vieira leg. (1 w, RO- 12678, RPSP); Ouro Preto D’Oeste, 03.X. 1987, C. Elias leg. (1 w, DZUP); Porto Velho, Guaporé, XI. 1954, M. Alvarenga, Dente, F. Pereira, Werner (4 w, DZUP); Mato Grosso: Nova Mutum, Fazenda Buriti, 13 º 49 ’S, 56 º04’W, Estrada da Roda D’água, 7.XII. 1997, H. Mendes leg. (1 w, 980137, RPSP); ibidem, idem, rio Arinos, 14.I. 2000, (1 w, 0 0 0 0 99, RPSP). Etymology. From the Latim, hirsutus = shaggy, bristly, plus cornis = antenna, referring to the long, erect bristles on flagellum. Geographical distribution. Apparently endemic to the southwestern Amazon, Amazonas, Rondônia, Acre, Mato Grosso, Brazil (Fig. 16). Nesting. Unknown. Remarks. This species can be recognized by very long bristles on the pedicel and fl. 1, followed by a sequence of smaller bristles on the postero-distal surface of flagellum decreasing in length to the apex of antenna. Some specimens from Mirante da Serra (no. 2435 and 12960) and Guajará-Mirim (No. 668, 1799 and 1827) has flagellar bristles slightly shorter than specimens from the type locality. In the specimen from Rio Arinos, Nova Mutum, MT (no. 000099) the flagellar pilosity is relatively short, although one bristle of fl. 1 is very long (2.5 x diameter of fl. 3), and, because of this, it was tentatively included in C. hirsuticornis sp. nov. Males may provide clarification. The geographical records of C. hirsuticornis sp. nov. indicate a pattern of endemism very similar to other Meliponini, such as Melipona seminigra abunensis Cockerell, 1912, distributed from northern Rondônia to the southern margin of the Purus river, in the region of confluence with the Ipixuna river (cf. Camargo 1994).
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