An Internet of Things visual domain specific modeling language based on UML

Autor: Samir Ribic, Adnan Salihbegovic, Teo Eterovic, Dzenana Donko, Enio Kaljic
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: ICAT
DOI: 10.1109/icat.2015.7340537
Popis: Although there are many attempts to engineer a domain specific language for the Internet of Things, most of them forget the fact that with the evolving of the Internet of Things, the end user will probably be a common person without an engineering or software development background. The designers of the UML had the same problem: how to make a language powerful enough for the professionals, but at the same time simple enough to be understood by a non-technical end user that gives the requirements. Inspired by this idea a Visual Domain Specific Modeling Language was developed for the IoT and proved that it is powerful enough for the professional and at the same time simple enough to be used by non-technical users.
Databáze: OpenAIRE