Distributed User Interfaces for Poppelreuters and Raven Visual Tests

Autor: Erika Hernández-Rubio, Oscar Zamora Arévalo, Pedro Cruz Caballero, Amilcar Meneses-Viveros
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: Human Aspects of IT for the Aged Population. Applications, Services and Contexts ISBN: 9783319585352
HCI (28)
Popis: Poppelreuter and Raven tests are used by psychologists to analyze cognitive abilities, mental diseases like visual agnosia, and even dementia syndromes like Alzheimer. It is known that this tests can be applied using mobile devices. However, the natural deterioration of the elderly, particularly visual weakness, may cause problems when using devices, even with Large or Xlarge screens. In order to reduce this problems, we proposed the use of a Distributed User Interface, using a tablet and an smartTV, to support users with visual problems to do Poppelreuter and Raven tests. At the end of our research we confirm that the application of visual tests using a Distributed User Interface is feasible.
Databáze: OpenAIRE