Social Environment and the Quality of Social Interactions: The Perspective of Future Preschool Teachers / Socijalno okruženje i kvaliteta socijalnih interakcija: perspektiva budućih odgojitelja

Autor: Akvilina Čamber Tambolaš, Tamara Navratil, Lidija Vujičić
Rok vydání: 2018
Zdroj: Croatian Journal of Education - Hrvatski časopis za odgoj i obrazovanje. 20
ISSN: 1848-5197
DOI: 10.15516/cje.v20i0.3051
Popis: Initial education of future preschool teachers is discussed in the context of them being researchers of their own educational practice, who, on a daily basis, think about and discuss their work. Even at university level, students should be encouraged to develop competencies that will help them build their professional knowledge in interaction with other students. We will present the results of research on practical exercises for students as part of the course Integrated Curriculum of Early and Preschool Education within university undergraduate study Early and Preschool Education. The purpose of this research is to carry out an analysis of the frequency of situations from the social environment that influence the quality and direction of children's interactions. The instrument for data collection consisted of video recordings of children’s and students’ activities. The total material consisted of 660 video recordings, 174 reflections and self-reflections of students. After their analysis, we designed a written protocol (a posteriori), which formed the basis of the content analysis. The research results show that, during their initial education, students perform exercises in kindergarten as a form of reflexive practice, and in that way they develop the skills of reflexive practitioners who continuously evaluate the effects of their own achievements. Keywords: initial education of preschool teachers; reflexive practitioner; social interaction. --- Sažetak O inicijalnom obrazovanju studenata buducih odgojitelja raspravlja se kao o istraživacima odgojno-obrazovne prakse koji svakodnevno razmisljaju i raspravljaju o svome radu. Vec na fakultetima studente treba poticati na razvoj kompetencija kojima ce moci graditi svoje profesionalno znanje u interakciji s drugim studentima. Predstavit ce se rezultati istraživanja o prakticnim vježbama studenata, odnosno refleksivnom praktikumu unutar kolegija Integrirani kurikulum ranog i predskolskog odgoja i obrazovanja na sveucilisnom preddiplomskom studiju Rani i predskolski odgoj i obrazovanje. Svrha istraživanja je sadržajna analiza ucestalosti situacija iz socijalnog okruženja koje su utjecale na kvalitetu i smjer djecjih interakcija. Instrument za prikupljanje podataka cinile su videosnimke aktivnosti djece i studenata. Ukupan materijal sastojao se od 660 videozapisa i 174 refleksije i samorefleksije studenata. Nakon njihove analize, pristupilo se izradi pisanog protokola (a posteriori) koji je cinio temelj sadržajne analize. Rezultati istraživanja pokazuju da studentice tijekom svoga inicijalnog obrazovanja, provedbom vježbi u djecjem vrticu kao refleksivnih praktikuma, razvijaju sposobnost refleksivnog prakticara koji kontinuirano vrednuje ucinke svojih postignuca. Kljucne rijeci: inicijalno obrazovanje odgojitelja; refleksivni prakticar; socijalna interakcija.
Databáze: OpenAIRE