Multipart optical filter packages for DWDM applications

Autor: Heinrich G-O Muller, P. Townley-Smith, S. Hellman
Rok vydání: 2004
Zdroj: 53rd Electronic Components and Technology Conference, 2003. Proceedings..
DOI: 10.1109/ectc.2003.1216286
Popis: The packaging dcnsih for DWDM modules has been doubled and cost reduced by almost SO% with a ne\\ packaging design for DWDM filters. The conceptual idea is to use the same filter for optical multiplexing and demultiplexing of any channel. As the packages providc free space beams for filtering. there is no physical need to use hvo different filters for these hvo operations. which are almost always required in the samc location_ at the same wavelength. and with the same perfonnance criteria. Tlus paper describes a new packaging technology that realizes this potential by doubling the number of communicating fibers per device but keeping all other package con~poncnts unchanged. 1. Basic Concqit of Multiport Packages To present the concepts involved, the technical details of tlle currently coimnon place three-port package [1,2] ueed to be Iuglflightcd first. For simplicity Ict us consider a denmx device_ whcrc the common fiber transmits the incoming signals in a multiplexed beam that comprises many wavelenghs Z., to i.,. This beam is rcflected off the filter. except for the passband wavelength 2. which is transmitted through the filter. To realize these functions in a small footprint device. three-port packages are typically uscd. as depicted in figiirc 1
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