Infrared Absorption by Excitons and Their Associates in Silicon

Autor: I. P. Kretsu, B. M. Ashkinadze, I. D. Yaroshetskii, A. A. Patrin
Rok vydání: 1971
Zdroj: Physica Status Solidi (b). 46:495-500
ISSN: 1521-3951
DOI: 10.1002/pssb.2220460205
Popis: The absorption of light, Λ = 1.4 μm, has been investigated in undoped silicon at T < 30 °K under powerful laser light with hω = 1.21 eV. Under these conditions the absorption modulation pulse shows two distinct decay times with τc 0.4 μs and τex. ≈ 5 to 7 μs, the proportion of either of the two components being strongly dependent on temperature and excitation intensity. The results are discussed in terms of the formation of a condensed exciton phase having a short lifetime of τc 0.4 μs. In specimens immersed in liquid He absorption oscillations induced by laser light have been observed. [Russian Text Ignored].
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