Development of functionally distinct Treg subsets in the thymus

Autor: David L. Owen, Shawn A Mahmud, Jason B Williams, Jonathan C Jeschke, Praful Aggarwal, Ulrich Broeckel, Marisa Alegre, Ye Zheng, Calvin B Williams, Michael A Farrar
Rok vydání: 2017
Zdroj: The Journal of Immunology. 198:215.15-215.15
ISSN: 1550-6606
Popis: Mature thymic regulatory T cells (Tregs) are defined by dual expression of Foxp3 and CD25 on CD4SP thymocytes. However, the cellular pathways by which CD4 thymocytes differentiate into Tregs remain incompletely understood. Previous reports demonstrated that Treg development occurred via a two-step process. In step one, strong TCR signaling induces expression of CD25 leading to a CD25+ Foxp3− Treg progenitor (TRP). In step two, exposure of this TRP to IL2 results in conversion to a CD25+Foxp3+ Treg. Work from the Singer lab has defined a CD25−Foxp3lo TRP that can also be converted by IL2 into CD25+Foxp3+ Tregs. A key question is why two distinct cellular pathways involving distinct TRP populations are needed to reach the same endpoint. Using a combination of maturation marker analysis and RAG2-GFP reporter mice we observed that CD25+Foxp3− TRP arise more rapidly than the CD25−Foxp3lo TRP following positive selection. Analysis of Nur77-GFP reporter mice revealed that these two progenitor populations also display distinct affinity spectrums for self-peptide. Further, TCR sequencing has provided evidence that these 2 progenitor populations contain largely distinct TCR repertoires. Further, we have observed differential dependence on NFκB signaling and the Foxp3 regulatory element Cns3 between the 2 progenitor populations. Our preliminary data suggests that these TRPs mediate tolerance in distinct autoimmune contexts. Our results suggest a model whereby cells are driven by high affinity or high avidity interactions with self-peptide through two discrete pathways to form a comprehensive Treg repertoire capable of protecting against sterile and musical autoimmunity.
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