Emotional Anticipation of Everyday Events - Vignettes Study 2

Autor: Anderson, Rachel Joy, Riggs, Kevin J, J. Helgi Clayton McClure, Dewhurst, Stephen
Rok vydání: 2023
DOI: 10.17605/osf.io/ujcvy
Popis: This is a follow-up to the study conducted in Sept-Nov 2022 and pre-registered here as 'Vignettes Study 1'. It is covered in an amendment to the original University of Hull Faculty of Health Sciences ethics approval, accepted on 24/01/23. There are two key changes to the methods, aimed at probing the potential causal link between anticipated/anticipatory emotions relating to everyday events. One of these involves manipulation of the default position of response sliders for the arousal DV; the other is a simplification which removes the self-/other-caused factor included in Study 1.
Databáze: OpenAIRE