Analytical derivation and FEA validation of the inductances of CWPMM

Autor: A. Masmoudi, R. Kessentini, I. Abdennadher
Rok vydání: 2009
Zdroj: 2009 6th International Multi-Conference on Systems, Signals and Devices.
DOI: 10.1109/ssd.2009.4956711
Popis: The paper deals with the derivation of the inductances of permanentmagnet synchronousmachines equipped by distributed windings and those equipped by concentrated ones. A special attention is paid for the determination of the leakage inductances. A case study is considered where the stator magnetic circuit has the same geometrical parameters for both machines. The calculated inductances are compared to those yielded by FEA, which leads to a good agreement. The obtained results show that the concentrated winding machine has a direct inductance twice greater than the one of the distributed winding machine, which is of great importance for the extension of the flux weakening range.
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