Jazyk: ruština
Rok vydání: 2019
DOI: 10.25686/2306-2800.2019.2.33
Popis: Глобализация мирохозяйственных связей, усиление тенденций устойчивого развития в мировой экономике, внедрение принципа системности в управление современными корпорациями активно способствовали тому, что на современном этапе в международной деятельности компаний активно формируется подход, предполагающий учёт степени гармонизации интересов стейкхолдеров. В настоящей статье рассматривается, вопервых, концептуальный подход к обоснованию внедрения принципов стейкхолдерменеджмента в управление экономическими системами в целом и внешнеэкономической деятельностью компании в частности. Вовторых, предложен организационноуправленческий механизм развития внешнеэкономической деятельности компании, учитывающий интересы стейкхолдеров, а также рассматривается система показателей оценки эффективности данного механизма с позиций удовлетворённости интересов стейкхолдеров в системе управления внешнеэкономической деятельностью компании.
Introduction. In the context of intensification of the processes of globalization, international economic activity becomes a crucial component of international competitiveness of a company. Hence, management of international economic activity, including company development management, should be considered as an essential factor for efficiency improvement of company activity in the whole. In modern companies, relationswith stakeholders is an independent line integrated in the core activity, performance efficiency of the company depends on it. In this light, stakeholders and the company are considered as a unified interdependent system, and inclusion of control of mutual relations between stakeholders can contribute to efficiency improvement for both international economic activity and the system of company management. The goal of this research is to elaborate a methodical tool to assess the efficiency of managerial scheme for the development of international economic activity of the company based on integration of the postulate of systems approach and principles of stakeholdermanagement. Results. The offered approach enables to consider the managerial scheme for the development of international economic activity and to analyze its efficiency with regard to external (external stakeholders) and internal (internal stakeholders) company environment. Thus, integration of all the factors having an impact on the international economic activity takes place, the influence of these factors is ranked in accordance with the level of significance of stakeholders with regard to the activity implemented in the company. In order to reveal interconnection between separate indices of efficiency of international economic activity and certain groups of stakeholders, a list of typical groups of stakeholders of international economic activity with an account of the nature of their interests in the field of international economic activity of the company as well as their role in the economic system was made on the basis of the analysis of the participants and importers/exporters of the company. Three groups of influence levels (weak, medium or strong) and three groups of significance of interests (weak, medium or strong) of stakeholders were revealed. The indices of international economic activity of the company quantitatively reflecting the interest of each group of stakeholders were determined. Conclusion. In accordance with the results of the analysis of target and actual values, problem domains in international economic activity management are defined and decision for corrective action on the management system and international economic activity development and/or implemented in the company strategy of international economic activity with a view to improve their efficiency to satisfy the interests of stakeholders and economic system in the whole are accepted.
№2(42) (2019)
Databáze: OpenAIRE