On-Site Operation of a Composting-Type Eco-Toilet Using Beanstalk and Sawdust as Matrix

Autor: Ning Liu, Liang Min Gao, Hai Yan Fan, Wen Qian Li, Gen Fa Lu, Xin Qian
Rok vydání: 2012
Zdroj: Advanced Materials Research. 599:592-597
ISSN: 1662-8985
DOI: 10.4028/www.scientific.net/amr.599.592
Popis: This study evaluated the feasibility of the mixed material as matrix of eco-toilet and the temporal change of pH value, T-N, T-P, T-K, organic matter and total reduction rate of dry weight in the compost. The mixed material of beanstalk and sawdust with a volume ratio of 1:1 can be used as reaction matrix of on-site composting-type eco-toilet to improve the microbial treatment of human feces. The human feces and urine could be composted to organic fertilizer rich in elements N, P and K. Change of pH in the toilet was divided two phases: changing phase (7.1-8.8) and stable phase (8.4-8.5). T-N, T-P and T-K contents increased with gradual input of feces and urine. Organic matter content decreased from 82.8% to 71.7% and the total reduction rate of dry weight increased gradually from 62.9% to 92.2%. Compost produced in the toilet could be used as organic fertilizer with the optimal concentration ratios for different plants.
Databáze: OpenAIRE