Biostratigraphie der Oberkreide auf Grund von Mikrofossilien

Autor: Heinrich Hiltermann
Rok vydání: 1956
Zdroj: Paläontologische Zeitschrift. 30:19-32
ISSN: 1867-6812
DOI: 10.1007/bf03041767
Popis: The fact that the content of microfossils in the Upper Cretaceous rises to over 2000 specimens in 1 g of rock makes it advisible to use them for the biostratigraphy of the Upper Cretaceous. This analysis is only possible by smallest taxionomical units, f. i. species or subspecies. Some genera are cited containing index forams which show fluctuomutation lines or new appearance. It is outlined that they be used to fix the limits between Turon, Coniac Santon, Campan and Maastricht as well as to subdivide these stages. Five corresponding tests of stratigraphy with the aid of small forams are shown, by tables discussed and compared with the vertical range table of NW-Germany.
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