Investigating the associations between Parental Reflective Functioning, Attributions and Behaviour (Parents RFAB)

Autor: Fazekas, Monika, McDonnell, Laura, Kennedy-Turner, Jamie
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.17605/
Popis: Parental Reflective Functioning (PRF) is a multidimensional construct which refers to a parent’s capacity to treat their child as a psychological agent. Whilst the influence of PRF on parenting behaviour is well established, how its particular dimensions (i.e., pre-mentalising modes, certainty about mental states, interest and curiosity in mental states) relate to parent’s attributions about their child’s behaviour and their own behaviour towards their child is less clear. Several studies have shown that dysfunctional parental attributions are related to negative parenting behaviours which in turn are associated with negative outcomes for children. Further research is needed, given the importance of PRF, parental attributions and behaviours in children’s mental health outcomes. The current study aims to determine what effect PRF has on parental attributions about child’s behaviour, and whether these attributions in turn influence what parenting behaviours parents engage in.
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