A note on the Lasota discrete model for blood cell production

Autor: Eduardo Liz, Cristina Lois-Prados
Rok vydání: 2020
Zdroj: Discrete & Continuous Dynamical Systems - B. 25:701-713
ISSN: 1553-524X
DOI: 10.3934/dcdsb.2019262
Popis: In an attempt to explain experimental evidence of chaotic oscillations in blood cell population, A. Lasota suggested in 1977 a discrete-time one-dimensional model for the production of blood cells, and he showed that this equation allows to model the behavior of blood cell population in many clinical cases. Our main aim in this note is to carry out a detailed study of Lasota's equation, in particular revisiting the results in the original paper and showing new interesting phenomena. The considered equation is also suitable to model the dynamics of populations with discrete reproductive seasons, adult survivorship, overcompensating density dependence, and Allee effects. In this context, our results show the rich dynamics of this type of models and point out the subtle interplay between adult survivorship rates and strength of density dependence (including Allee effects).
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