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An archaeological watching brief was undertaken within land immediately adjacent to Beechwood, The Park, Castle Cary, Somerset, BA7 7EP, for the purpose of monitoring groundworks prior to construction of a detached, timber-framed self-build dwelling with associated garage and access. Turf and topsoil was removed by machine across the construction area, exposing a mixed, sandy subsoil deposit overlying geological Bridport Sand . Machining during the watching brief was carried out using a 14 ton excavator on 500mm caterpillar tracks and 1.80m grading bucket. An isolated oval pit was excavated which contained C10th-C12th medieval pottery within its charcoal-rich fill. A broad, deep, inter-cutting boundary ditch was exposed crossing through the site from north-west to south-east. Two shallow, linear gullies were also exposed to the south of the ditch, on parallel and perpendicular alignments. The silted-up ditch and gullies contained pottery of C12th-C14th date. Analysis of aerial photographs and LiDAR has revealed the presence of linear crop marks which appear to represent relict medieval burgage plots lining the eastern side of Park Lane. |