Invasion of rust (Puccinia lagenophorae) aecia on groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) by secondary pathogens: death of the host

Autor: S G Hallett, Peter G. Ayres
Rok vydání: 1992
Zdroj: Mycological Research. 96:142-144
ISSN: 0953-7562
Popis: Inoculation of groundsel (Senecio vulgaris) bearing aecia of the rust Puccinia lagenophorae with isolates of a range of other fungi isolated from naturally occurring rust lesions induced rapidly spreading necrosis and death of the host. In a controlled laboratory environment, the rate of symptom development varied with isolate and species. Death of 50% of plants occurred as soon as 18 d after inoculation with an isolate of Pythium intermedium and as late as 37 d after inoculation with an isolate of Fusarium avenaceum. Three of the eleven species tested caused neither necrosis nor death. In the field in autumn, isolates representing five species that killed groundsel in the laboratory again caused death of the host, though more slowly than in the laboratory, while a representative of the non-lethal group again had no visible effect on the host (...)
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