Document Dimensions of iMuseum’s Instagram Posts

Autor: Widya Damayanti, Lydia Christiani, Ciwuk Musiana Yudhawasthi
Rok vydání: 2022
Zdroj: Proceedings from the Document Academy. 9
ISSN: 2473-215X
DOI: 10.35492/docam/9/2/8
Popis: Social media is source of information during a pandemic. Using virtual ethnography methods and cyber media analysis, this article tries to trace digital cultural artifacts on IMERI iMuseum’s Instagram posts. Digital cultural artifacts that emerged were then analyzed using Buckland's concept of physical, mental and social dimensions of document. The results of the analysis show that cultural artifacts in iMuseum’s IG posts have document dimensions, seen from the physical, mental and social aspects and even a combination of dimensions. In the context of infodemic, through its social media, iMuseum seeks to carry out its role in disseminating information on health, outbreaks, Covid-19, healthy lifestyles and correcting misinformation about Covid-19 during the pandemic.
Databáze: OpenAIRE