Effective dose comparison between stitched and single FOV in CBCT protocols for complete dental arcade

Autor: Ana F. Maia, Maria Rosangela Soares, Wilson Otto Batista, Patrícia L. Antonio, Linda V.E. Caldas
Rok vydání: 2015
Zdroj: Radiation Physics and Chemistry. 110:72-76
ISSN: 0969-806X
DOI: 10.1016/j.radphyschem.2015.01.019
Popis: Objective The objective of this study was to assess and compare protocols with a single field of view and multiple stitched field of view with a similar clinical purpose by means of effective dose value. Materials and methods Measurements of absorbed dose were performed with thermoluminescent dosemeters inserted in the position of organs/tissues of a female anthropomorphic phantom and from these values the effective dose was calculated, utilizing weighting factor tissue-ICRP 103 (2007). Results The results obtained in this study for effective dose are within the range of 43.1 µSv and 111.5 µSv for equipment using protocols with single FOV and in the range of 44.5 µSv and 236.2 µSv for equipments that using protocols with stitched field of view. Conclusions In terms of the value of effective dose, stitched FOV protocols do not have any advantage over the single field of view protocols. This results suggest the necessity for knowledge of the exposure parameters and effective dose values associated with each image protocol.
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