Analysis of Time Series of Graphs: Prediction of Node Presence by Means of Decision Tree Learning

Autor: Peter Dickinson, Miro Kraetzl, Horst Bunke, Christophe Irniger
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: Machine Learning and Data Mining in Pattern Recognition ISBN: 9783540269236
Popis: This paper is concerned with time series of graphs and proposes a novel scheme that is able to predict the presence or absence of nodes in a graph. The proposed scheme is based on decision trees that are induced from a training set of sample graphs. The work is motivated by applications in computer network monitoring. However, the proposed prediction method is generic and can be used in other applications as well. Experimental results with graphs derived from real computer networks indicate that a correct prediction rate of up to 97% can be achieved.
Databáze: OpenAIRE