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Luwak coffee is produced from the digestive process of coffee beans by microbes that take place intensively in the organs of the intestines tenue (small intestine) and caecum (appendicitis) of the mongoose. In vitro fermentation of coffee beans using probiotic microbes isolated from the digestive organs of civet animals is expected to produce coffee products with a distinctive taste and aroma similar to that of civet coffee. The purpose of the study was to examine the process of fermenting civet coffee in vitro, the benefits of civet coffee on health and the views of scholars regarding the halalness of civet coffee for consumption by Muslims. can prevent neurological diseases, because there is a high content of antioxidants that can prevent damage to cells associated with Parkinson's disease. The results showed that the variation of fermentation time and the addition of yeast dose was able to affect the chemical characteristics of robusta civet coffee in vitro. In addition, this treatment can also increase the water content. The quality is better than the original coffee from civet cultivators. Abstrak. Kopi luwak dihasilkan dari proses pencernaan biji kopi oleh mikrob yang berlangsung intensif dalam organ intestinum tenue (usus halus) dan caecum (usus buntu) luwak. Proses fermentasi biji kopi secara in vitro menggunakan mikrob probiotik yang diisolasi dari organ pencernaan hewan luwak diharapkan dapat menghasilkan produk kopi dengan citarasa dan aroma khas mirip kopi luwak. Tujuan penelitian adalah untuk mengkaji proses fermentasi kopi luwak secara in vitro, manfaat kopi luwak terhadap kesehatan dan pandangan para ulama mengenai kehalalan kopi luwak untuk dikonsumsi oleh umat Islam. dapat mencegah penyakit saraf, karena terdapat kandungan antioksidan tinggi yang dapat mencegah kerusakan pada sel yang terhubung dengan penyakit Parkinson. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa variasi waktu fermentasi dan penambahan dosis ragi mampu mempengaruhi karakteristik kimia pada kopi luwak robusta secara in vitro. Selain itu, perlakuan tersebut juga dapat meningkatkan kadar air. Mutu tersebut lebih baik dibandingkan dengan kopi asli dari pembudidaya luwak. |