Total Ionizing Dose Characterization of an 8-bit 200-MSps Switched-Capacitor Pipeline A-to-D Converter in 32nm SOI CMOS

Autor: Anthony Amort, Alfio Zanchi, Manuel Cabanas-Holmen, Barry Meaker, Mark Yao
Rok vydání: 2016
Zdroj: 2016 IEEE Radiation Effects Data Workshop (REDW).
Popis: A Radiation-Hardened By Design 8-bit 32nm SOI CMOS pipeline ADC shows no AC performance nor non-linearity worsening vs. TID when operated at 200MSps sampling rate, -1dBFS sinewave input amplitude. The circuit shows no visible performance variation during irradiation, and maintains >42dBFS SNR, >61dBc SFDR up to 1Mrad(Si) after LMS (Least Mean Square) gain and offset calibration techniques are applied.
Databáze: OpenAIRE