Mediation Effect of Financial Performance on The Influence of Intellectual Capital on Firm Value

Autor: Mardiyah Anugraini, Hidayatul Khusnah
Rok vydání: 2021
Zdroj: Jurnal Ilmiah Akuntansi dan Keuangan. 10:106-114
ISSN: 2580-510X
Popis: This study aims to determine the mediating effect of financial performance on the effect of intellectual capital on firm value. This research was conducted at companies incorporated in LQ-45 listed on the Indonesian stock exchange. The sample of this research is the financial statements of companies incorporated in LQ-45 in the 2014-2019 period that publish financial statements continuously. Analysis of the data in this study using SEM-PLs using WarpPLs 6.0 software. The results of this study indicate that VACA, VAHU and STVA have a positive effect on firm value. In addition, this study also found that of the three intellectual capital proxies, only VACA and STVA had a positive effect on financial performance, while VAHU did not support the research hypothesis because it had a negative effect on financial performance. Further findings show that financial performance mediates the effect of VACA and STVA on firm value.
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