ACTES 2019 - Abstracts Book; The 3rd Albanian Congress of Trauma and Emergency Surgery

Autor: Agron Dogjani, Kastriot Haxhirexha, Hayato Kurihara, Carlos Mesquita, Antonio La Greca, Mauro Zago, Arben Gjata, Etmont Celiku, Xheladin Draçini, Arvin Dibra, Serhii Mistuk, Faton T. Hoxha, Teodor Pevec, Ridvan Alimehmeti, Artur Xhumari, Baris Saygili, Arsen Seferi, Artid Lame, Isuf Bajrami, Onder Murat Delialioglu, Simona Kalšek, Basri Lenjani, Gjergj Caushi, Arjan Mullahi, Adham Darweesh, Skender Veliu, Enver Fekaj, Haqif Gashi, Fadil Gradica, Fatmir Caushi, Ilir Skenduli, Petraq Mustaqe, Dorina Shtjefni, Ilir Alimehmeti, Kenan Ljuhar, Sadri Hulaj, Rezeart Dalipi, Besim Boci, Kenan Karavdić, Myzafer Kaci, Orjada Gashi, Ormir Shurdha, Fatmir Guni, Edmond Zaimi, Edmond Pistulli, Akgün Çelik, Elizana Petrela, Engin Göçmen, Erinda Kosturi, Parambath Arif Nelliylla, Alfred Aga, Flamur Vellku, Hassan Al-Thani, Edvin Selmani, Indrit Temali, Dorina Shqalshi, Alma Llukacaj, Ilir Hasmuca, Alan Andonovski, Esat Bardhoshi, Sadi Bexheti, Antonio Gavrilovski, Arben Beqiri, Alfred Ibrahimi, Lazar Todorovic, Majlinda Naco, Ayman Elmenyar, Hektor Sula, Ilir Hasani, Rudin Domi, Markus Konert, Husham Abdelrahman, Behar Tocilla, Marsida Krasniqi, Albert Lleshi, Admir Mustafa, Nehat Baftiu, Edmond Nuellari, Ismael Yousif Mahmood Alomar, Kenan Bayrakci, Skender Buci, Lutfi Zylbeari, Manushaqe Saraci, Agon Turkaj, Alma Cani, Katerina Kasa, Gezim Xhepa, Marjeta Bilaj, Vrenos Hodaj, Vladimir Filaj, Elona Markeci, Eriselda Taulla, Bledar Kruja, Albana Shahini, Ardiana Sinani, Gezim Galiqi, Nuhi Arslani, Arjana Strakosha, Sadık Yıldırım Özgeçmiş, Elona Hasalla, Anxhela Ahmataj, Sokol Isaraj, Gentian Zikaj, Nardi Kola, Rezarta Kapaj, Ferizat Dika- Haxhirexha, Sokol Xhepa, Albana Aleksi, Ilir Shani, Selim Birol, Astrit Xhemali, Viktor Marku, Hasan Vedat Ofluoğlu, Burak Koza, Dritan Todhe, Petrit Byberaj, Skender Brataj, Valentin Vejseli, Rezart Xhani, Herion Dredha, Arben Lloja, Matilda Imeraj, Denis Kosovrasti, Vilma Cadri, Arjeta Dedej, Henri Kolani, Gazmend Elezi, Ledian Fezollari, Alban Hysenaj, Leon Kaza, Zamira Shabani, Blerta Hamolli, Albana Kenga, Gentian Caco, Marsela Sopiqoti, Petrika Gjergo, Xhesika Xhetani, Aurela Kullolli, Natasha Merko, Arben Gjonej, Risida Gjonej, Studim Hysa
Rok vydání: 2019
Zdroj: Albanian Journal of Trauma and Emergency Surgery. 3:1-124
ISSN: 2616-4922
Popis: This event reflects the author's involvement in internationally recognized education and training models, as ATLS, ETC, and DSTC, and UEMS Boards of Emergency SurgeryDo different countries need very different things? I don’t think so, for the simple reason that in Europe and about the challenges we face, with regard to trauma and other medical and surgical emergencies, similarities are much greater than differences.• We all agree on the need for a trauma system “to assure that patients (…) seamlessly receive the proper care, in the proper locations, with proper interventions and, if necessary, transfer to a hospital able to provide the best and most appropriate care” (• We all agree that teamwork is necessary for prehospital care, transportation, emergency room care, intensive care, surgery, and in/post-hospital rehabilitation.• We all agree on the need for trauma registries with, as much as possible, global follow-up of patient's course.• And finally, we all agree that it is necessary to educate, how to prevent and how to treat.This is also apparent from the recommendations of the European Trauma Course Organization (ETCO) about equipment and facilities: complete trauma team, trauma admission bay close to the ambulance entrance, enough space and adequate lighting, the adjacent operating room to allow emergency procedures, standardequipment for the initial management of major trauma, immediate availability of additional equipment as difficult airway equipment, X-ray, ultrasound machine, surgical instruments, readily available bloodproducts and massive transfusion equipment, co-located CT scanner to allow immediately imaging and access to angiography and interventional radiology, 24 hours a day within 30-60 minutes of request.
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