Time varying characteristics of phi-q-n patterns from natural voids in resin

Autor: Chengke Zhou, D. Guo, Alan Nesbitt, B. G. Stewart, F. Baumann, Donald M. Hepburn, X. Zhou
Rok vydání: 2005
Zdroj: 18th International Conference and Exhibition on Electricity Distribution (CIRED 2005).
Popis: SUMMARY The measurement and assessment of partial discharge (PD) activity is used both for condition assessment of high voltage plant (by operators) and for quality control (by manufacturers). Except for the online circumstances, the measurement usually lasts for a short period of time while higher than working stress is applied. The resulting pattern of discharge data, when compared with a knowledge base of PD patterns of different types of defects is a crucial factor in diagnosing the condition of the insulation system in the plant. In this paper the characteristics of φ-q-n patterns for a voidtype defect is extensively investigated using an IEC60270 PD measurement system and a fast digital oscilloscope and processing methods. Spherical void defects are deliberately manufactured in epoxy resin samples in order to simulate natural defects as precisely as possible. As one of the vital factors causing variation in PD patterns, different stress levels are applied. Different sizes of void are also considered, to reveal the effect of void size on PD patterns. Measures are taken to ensure that PD results only from the manufactured defects rather than any other source. Several traditional criteria are calculated to characterise the different patterns.
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