Attitudes and adoption related to technology and active and healthy ageing - A national survey with a generational perspective

Autor: Jens Offerman, Sofi Fristedt, Steven Schmidt, Charlotte Löfqvist, Susanne Iwarsson
Rok vydání: 2022
DOI: 10.21203/
Popis: Research is needed to understand attitudes and adoption of the broad range of technologies currently available to support active and healthy ageing, in different generations. Previous and current research tends to neglect the diversity of products and services, as well as typically focuses on current older people rather than those representing future generations. Research-based knowledge is warranted to support development of future technologies that successfully promote active and healthy ageing. The present study aims to give an overview of the (Blinded) survey and sample, followed by a description of attitudes and acceptance related to technology in general and as a means to support active and healthy ageing. A national cross-sectional survey was conducted with a randomised sample (N = 2,121) including men and women from three age cohorts (30–39, 50–59 and 70–79 year-old persons) in Sweden, including questions on attitudes and acceptance related to a broad perspective of technology. The results show that perspectives were shared across generations rather than just within, especially in the younger and middle-aged generations. However, there were significant generational differences regarding what kind of technologies are preferred to support active and healthy ageing as well as reasons for using certain technologies. Our study described generational perspectives rarely displayed in research and shows that attitudes toward and acceptance of technologies for active and healthy ageing are shared across generations. Notable differences were displayed concerning choosing and adopting new technology, which deserve attention when developing new products and services. The study shows that research applying a comparative generational perspective has potential to nurture the understanding of acceptance and adoption throughout the ageing process, and guide development and implementation of technologies for active and healthy ageing.
Databáze: OpenAIRE